Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mactzul VI

Today we had clinic in Mactzul VI, where we have clinic the first Wednesday of every month. For those who have been on mobile clinics with Health Talents, we have visited this village 2 or 3 times. It has a very large auditorium and is home to one of the largest Church of Christ conferences in Guatemala. Once a year they have a conference where approximately 2000-3000 christians come and worship God each day for 3 days! The visitors are also fed 3 meals a day, cooked on fires. It is impressive to experience. This is a picture of the church during a conference. Most people are inside.

This was one of the first churches of Christ in the area and they claim to actually be the first but we have heard that from a couple of churches. Nonetheless, this is a very mature church with over 1o0 members, plus kids. The elders of this church are some of the most humble, strong christians we have ever met. One such person is Pedro Calel and I do not think it is possible to ruffle his feathers - he is solid and amicable as they come. He is the local facilitator for church issues.
This is Tomas Salvador, one of the elders from Mactzul VI who has been with us at each clinic and helps us pray with each patient.

Today we had about 17 patients, one a little blind lady about 80 years old - her single son takes care of her. She has a large goiter (swollen thyroid) and hypothyroidism which probably explains why she fell asleep during the consult. She has a hernia and we are hoping the local US surgeon in Chichi can help her out. She has little to no resources. Sorry but we did not get a picture.
Below is Emilio, he was one of our volunteers today and has much interest in volunteering each time we come to the community. As you can see he has a good sense of humor - these are the ears of the bull they slaughtered for the conference.

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