Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We are in the midst of fiesta season around here which seems to start at the end of August and winds up on New Years' Eve. As we entered Xepocol today we saw the tell-tale signs of a party about to start at the Catholic church. It was for their youth group but a good time was being had by all. But, we did see a few patients including one little 9 month old with periorbital cellulitis, whose parents agreed to a shot of Rocephin and a change in antibiotics since he wasn't getting better with the amoxicillin he started 3 days ago.

We also saw Josue, the 12 year old son of our health promoter Gaspar. He has had nausea and dizziness for 2 days. He denied any earache or headache or other symptoms, but when I checked out his ears, I found a bug's rear end staring back at me. He doesn't remember anything flying in. After a quick lavage we watched two halves of a bee wash out. Ouch!

Kemmel and Josefina and Tomas had an even worse day. They headed out early this morning to the Capital to get some errands done but only got 30 minutes down the road before running into a road block/ manifestation by one of the polical parties. It was one of many affecting major crossroads in the country. This was a real downer as they were going to pick up Leo Rojas from Venezuela who is teaching the marriage seminar we are hosting tomorrow and Thursday. So, they turned around and came back home, asking Alex in Guatemala City to pick up Leo and find him someplace to stay the night. Kemmel will head out tomorrow morning early to pick him up. Since there are only a few major highways in this country, they are easily pirated by those who have a beef with the government. Nothing gets attention like stopping traffic all over the Republic!

Well, we're back home safe, enjoying some apple crisp and coffee right now (thanks for the recipe Mama!). Wish you were here!

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