Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chuchipaca Church Before and After

Here are some pictures of the church of Christ in Chuchipaca.  This congregation demolished the old church to build a new church, all with local funding.  We had a group help paint the front of the building in July.  Since then the congregation finished painting the inside of the church and put on a second coating in the outside.

Of course, we all know the church is the people which is also exciting here as we hear of new christians and families frequently and within the last 6 months or so they have probably had 10-15 baptisms of new community members.  The church has over 150 people attending and an active children's program.
Old church builing

During Construction - you can see old building in the new building

Before painting

After painting

1 comment:

Kelly said...

WOW! Looks great!!