Sunday, August 8, 2010

How about some donuts?

If you have lived in Guatemala very long you have realized that there are no good donuts to be had.  Even in the capital, Dunkin Donuts went under.  We are forever daydreaming about running out to get donuts on the weekend.  Now, some of you will say, "I've seen lots of donut shops around and even fast food restaurants with donuts on the dessert menu."  We've been fooled too--very disappointing.  Not only are they less than mediocre when they are fresh, the product is left on the tray until all are sold--apparently up to 4-5 days later.  Now thankfully, we have visitors from time to time from the States, and they have felt pity for us and brought us really good donuts to enjoy!  (Thanks, Rick, Robert and Donna and Jim and Barbara!)  But, those moments are few and far between. Well, we finally decided that we needed to try making some at home.  I've always been a little intimidated by the thought, but figured we had nothing to lose.  So, I went online and checked out lots of recipes.  I got pretty lucky the first time.  These yeast donuts are great, easy and soft and doughy just like we like.  Hallelujah!  Here is the recipe website if you would like to try them.  Enjoy!

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