Sunday, June 1, 2014

Learning to Live

In my (Lisa's) hometown neck of the woods we had a church camp called Letoli--LEarn TO LIve.  I think that would be a good name for this Medical Evangelism Training month that our interns are experiencing!  We got to sit down over coffee yesterday and talk about their first week here with their host families and there seems to be a common thread--learning how to live in another culture.  Here are some of the comments:

"I think my family isn't sure how to engage someone who doesn't speak Spanish.  But they get pretty excited when I want to learn Kiche words."

"I got sick last night and had diarrhea and vomiting and figured out how to do both at the same time. I just stuck my head between my knees and went for it.  I got pretty good at it!"

"They (the locals) don't really do much "hanging out" around here."

"I'm never really sure where we are going each day, but I just get in the truck and get ready to enjoy the adventure."

"My family puts me at a table all by myself for dinner.  But now if I ask, they let me sit with them or some of them sit at my table with me."

"My family has a huge plasma screen TV in one of their rooms and they cover it up with a big cloth."

"Is it rude to tell them you can't eat that much food?"

"We don't eat dinner until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. and then get to bed around 11:00."  They get up about 6:00.

"I got to take a bath in the tuj last night!"  The adobe sauna--nice!

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