Friday, April 17, 2015

Man, It's Hot!

 Our cool mountain weather takes a short vacation during the months of April and May to give us the hot, dry and dusty days that generate the much-anticipated rainy season.  This is when the forrest fires kick up, and this week we had a big one get close to Clinica Caris and the highway between there and Chichi.  Sheri's blog has a great post of pictures from Monday's fire.
We have been getting up to 90 degrees during the day, which heats up the house to about 78.  We end up having to leave the door open to let in any breeze that might be in the area, and then sleep with just a sheet for cover at night. Man, it's HOT!  I know we shouldn't complain, but when you are used to 65-75 degrees everyday, it's hard to adjust!
Empty fields waiting for three good rains before the farmers begin to plant their corn.
 But, we are starting to hear whippoorwills at night and seeing swallows zipping back and forth in the air signalling the coming of the rains. Then it's back to cool days, rainy afternoons and evenings, and bright clear air.  This week we were blessed with a practice rain.  It really cooled off the evening and settled the dust.  Can't wait for more of that!  There is something beautiful about seasonal changes that reminds us of God's renewing spirit and his continuous offer for a do-over.  Thank you, Lord!

Hazy, lazy days in the mountains.  Not too much water flowing in that river these days...

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