Sunday, December 29, 2013


The end of the year is a really busy time with graduations, church tent meetings, youth rally events, and don't forget, Christmas and the Fair.  We finished up a year of ministry and fellowship with feelings of both satisfaction and frustration.  There are things that we would like to improve upon or change and get frustrated at the resistance we meet along the way.  But God has been so generous this year to show us some successes and advances so, despite our end-of-year fatigue we are content on many levels.

Several of the area churches are growing significantly in number and maturity and what makes us joyful is the subtle change in attitude of many church leaders who are looking at how to better serve their communities and focus on being the example of God's love to non-Christians.  It is difficult to teach people to steer away from legalism and toward gratitude and grace, but little by little the light is shining and people are drawn to the Jesus they see living through the Church.

So we end this year by saying thank you, Lord for your love, forgiveness, salvation, patience, guidance, and life-changing Spirit.  And thank you, to you back home who support us personally, this ministry and who work in the Kingdom to share the Good News.  Merry Christmas and a Happy 2014!

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