Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Delivery of ABC Gifts and water filters

In the last couple of weeks,we have continued to deliver replacement water filters and also the Illustrated Bible to various ABC Families.  Here are some pics.

 Mauri prepping for water filter delivery in Macztul VI

Cesar ready to go as well!

Jose Mynor

Manuel Baudilio
(Manuel had a set back last year but is back in school this year and doing well)

 Pedro and dad Manuel



Juan Joel 
Juan Joel and family


Esvin Estuardo

Esvin Rogelio

 Juana Cecilia

Juana Teresa


Samuel, son of Health Promoter Tomas

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Faithful Servants

Tomas and Cesar (l-r) promoting clean water and good health in La Palma
This is Tomas and Cesar after delivering water filter replacements (Onil Water Filter from Helps International) to the ABC families out in La Palma.  They reportedly hiked "all over creation" to get it done.  One house was an hour's climb from the road and I guess Tomas either volunteered or lost out on that one (he should have played his seniority card if you ask me)!  But the familes are doing well and for the most part keeping the filters clean.  Several have fashioned plastic capes to cover their filters because there is so much dust in these last weeks of dry season.  Cesar reported that one widow lady had a tiny little house but everything in it was spotless and clean.  Her filter was stained gray on the outside from the kitchen smoke but spic and span inside.  Another widow lady who worked all  day outside of the home was not taking care of her filter, so Cesar sat and talked to her about the situation.  Then he helped her take it apart and clean it and reassemble it with the replacement.  I think he was touched by the difficulties he saw in her life. 

These are just two of our wonderful and dedicated staff and we thank God for letting us be a part of this team!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today Kemmel and I and Gaspar and Manuel went out to visit a new brother in Christ (also named Manuel).  He invited us to come see a clinic/hospital building in their community that was built more than 15 years ago and left for the community to use.  Currently, the 14 room, 2-storey structure is only used by the health department once a month to give vaccines.  The town leaders want it to be used and are offering to let us use it for medical/dental clinics free of rent.  We are definitely interested in the offer and had a great talk with Manuel about the possibilities. 

While we were there he introduced us to his friend who is a struggling alcoholic  who would like to learn more about Christ and the Bible.  They asked if it would be possible to have a home visit and invite some other people as well. Manuel  says people keep asking him about his recent conversion and want to know more.   We are so encouraged by this new Christian's understanding of the great worth of the kingdom of heaven.  Just last week he was baptized and is our only contact in that community.  We thought someday we would be able to look at planting a congregation out there after more teaching and training of this new brother,  but already he is thinking of who else he can tell about the good news.  We have a lot to learn from him!

Jesus described the the Kingdom of Heaven being like a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds but it grows to be the largest of the garden plants and has branches big enough for birds to nest in.  Be praying for Manuel and his town and for Gaspar as he goes out next week to visit and teach the good news to people who need to nest in the Kingdom!

Friday, April 19, 2013

ABC Gifts Mactzul I

On Tuesday of this past week we had the opportunity to deliver gifts provided by sponsors to some of the children in Mactzul I. 




Rosa -
Rosa is 16 now and started first grade a couple of years ago.  She struggled with the first year and did not pass, but continued on and now is in 3rd or 4th grade and doing great.  She has definitely been transformed by this opportunity to continue in school!

Mactzul I is also one of the communities where we have started helping the students with tutoring classes and this year after the first rounds of tests the number of students with issues in classes has reduced by 50%.  Great news!  Thank you all for your support of these kids.

Monday, April 15, 2013

More ABC Gifts for Xejox and Chuchuca

Thank you to those who have sent gifts for the following ABC students.  They received an illustrated Bible Story book and we are encouraging each family to take time during the day to have the children read a story.












Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Today we saw an example of what God must be looking for in "love thy neighbor".  A patient of ours who is epileptic, probably from multiple head traumas from her husband beating her over the years, brought two ladies with her to clinic.  One is the second wife of her abusive husband--they all live in the same house.  The other is  her old and blind mother-in-law.  She brought the sister-wife because she too has been having seizures for several years and also suffers at the hand of their husband.  She helped translate for her and told me of the abuse they suffer from this man.  So many times I have encouraged her to leave him and go live with her grown son's family, but she stays out of some sense of obligation.  She is a Christian and always thankful for the prayers.  I have to say, that if I were the jilted wife, the last thing on my mind would be helping my husband's mother and his mistress in their time of need. It puts a whole new meaning on loving our neighbor as ourselves and being a friend to sinners.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Welcome Dra. Sara Castellanos!

Last month we said goodbye to our beloved Dr. Ruben Romano.  Word on the street is he is happily toughing out his orthopedics residency (complete with 1:3 call schedule).  His witty demeanor will be missed! 

But this month we welcomed Dra. Sara Castellanos to our team.  She is from El Salvador and settling in just fine around here.  Before she came here Kemmel and I had the pleasure of meeting her parents Alexander and Silvia in Guatemala City at a church conference they were invited to speak at.  They were sad to have their daughter leave, but proud of her committment to serve the Lord with her gifts.  We are glad to have her with us in the work--Bienvenida, Dra. Sara!

(l-r) Sandra, Sheri, Kemmel, Me and Sara after a nice dinner at Casa Chulumal!

Kemmel and I and Silvia and Alexander Castellanos


Friday, April 5, 2013

Julisa - leukemia patient

Yesterday we got to see Julisa for the first time in a while.  Julisa came to us in 2007 with a blood count below 10 and soon after was diagnosed with leukemia.  Her family followed the recommendations to go to the hospital and has been undergoing treatments for the last 5 years.  There are times we she does much better than others.  Last year she had a relapse and was not able to attend school, but this year she is doing much better, her defenses and blood counts are up and she has started second grade and is able to stay in school and do her homework when she heads off to the hospital in the city.  Here is a post with some of her history:


Here is a picture of her yesterday. Growing up, learning to read and even has her curls back.  Please continue to pray for Julisa and her family.  We continue to help them with the cost of travel to the city for her treatments as she continues to go once a month for either treatments or testing.  Unfortunately, it is never with the same physician which complicates knowing her history, but the family presses on with the faith in God that only He is in control.  This is a beautiful, God loving family.

If you wish to help with some of these expenses for Julisa or others that we help through our charity fund to help with costs related to medical care, please let us know. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

ABC Children gifts

As part of the ABC program, sponsors also have the opportunity to send a donation of $10 to purchase either a birthday gift or a a Christmas gift.  We started to talk about what to purchase for the children and though about our push on education and reading and found some illustrated Bible Story books that fit the bill for giving something to the child that they would enjoy and hopefully also read.  Cesar and Sheri were in Mactzul VI today passing out the gifts to the children of that community who received them.  We are encouraging them to read at least 2-3 times per week out loud to the family.  Here are some photos:


Leslie #2
Leslie and her mom and dad.  Mom always cooks for us when at clinic - great cook!