Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This week has been a good one so far. Sunday we had a visit from Gaspar and his wife Juana, and we enjoyed a good chat. We had some local honey that someone has gifted us, sitting on the counter in none other than a Johnny Walker Black Label Old Scotch Whiskey bottle. I saw them eyeing the bottle and decided to clear up the doubts. So Juana asked me what we eat with it, and I showed her some homemade flour tortillas we had left over from breakfast. She was fascinated that I could make such a thing and asked for the recipe. While writing and describing how, I decided it would be easier to show her, so we commenced to making a batch of flour tortillas on my gas stove. She was also excited to see how I work my stove and how quickly the pan heated up compared to her wood-burning stove. Anyway, we enjoyed eating tortillas with honey, and being a kindred spirit in the kitchen, she asked what it would be like if we added sugar to the dough or even an egg? We tried the sugar version--very tasty, but felt like it was too late to add the egg this time. We decided to schedule another visit soon to practice making french bread braids and try to figure out how to use her wood-burning stove as an oven........

"Keep Walking"

Yesterday and today we got some more rain, it must officially be the rainy season now. Our front-yard weather station (rain gauge) measured half an inch yesterday and already 3 tenths this afternoon. Yea! Just waiting for my green chile plants to germinate so I can get them in the ground.

My Junior Meteorologist Kit

Tomorrow is Caris clinic. Should be a big one. Seems like our Thursday clinics have been getting more and more popular. Thankfully we have Rebekah and Sheri helping out.

1 comment:

Anna said...

mmm... sounds good! You'll have to suggest melted cheese and taco bell sauce to her :) yum!