Over the weekend we were in La Antigua Guatemala, the old capital of the republic--before the earthquake in the 1770s. We were visiting with Glenn and Neva Berkey before they dive into their language classes. Also we made a run to the (new) capital to do some errands (including picking up my diploma to drop off to be signed).
It is impressive how many visiting tourists there here in Antigua this week. But, there will be 10 times as many during Holy Week. We are in the Lent season, which is is the 40 days before the crucifixion of Christ. Each friday of lent, there is a major procession or parade depicting a scene from the last days of Jesus's life. These processions in Antigua, especially, are world famous and attract people from all over. Last night we stepped out for a walk and watched one of the processions go by. There were floats carried by members of the fraternities devoted to the care of the statues and followed by other devotees and honored citizens from Guatemala. Following them were the hoards of "temple vendors" selling everything from mementos, balloons, t-shirts and popcorn. What a contrast!
It was a beautiful night, and after we had had our fill of parade and people we took advantage of the crowded streets to sneak into a new sushi place. Good sushi, but way to pricey! We haven't found anything as good or cheap as our hole-in-the-wall in the (new) captial.
Congrats on finally getting your hands on that diploma, Senorita!
Hey, you finally got it! Better hang on to it. Congrats!
Gracias a Dios! You really worked for that. I had to laugh about the mix up about your married name. Thanks so much for the gorgeous pics - how fun!
Love, Mama
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