Sunday, January 4, 2009

...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Today we were invited to a celebration and worship services in Mactzul I comemorating the initiation of the children's education program 2 years ago. We sometimes forget what a blessing it is to have a children's ministry, but today were reminded. This church has two dedicated men, Tomas and Juan who oversee the instruction and activities for their children. They presented a proud group of kids who recited verses from memory (one girl's passage was at least 15 verses long), solo songs, group songs, dramas of Jesus with Mary and Martha and also of David and Goliath. Then there was a contest of bible and hymn knowledge with prizes. We wrapped it up with the Guatemalan version of Simon says (giant/dwarf) and a pinata game.
It was so fun to see these little guys enjoying themselves. We all have several good laughs to say the least. It made us realize that one of the blessings of having children around is that they have the qualities that God is looking for in us. They love unconditionally, they are welcoming and hosptitable, they are trusting and don't sit around worrying where their next meal will come from. And of course they are very entertaining! We are happy for our brothers and sisters in Mactzul who value their children so much and make the effort to teach them the gospel.

Mactzul I is one of the communities where we will start a new clinic this year. With the addition of this community, the clinic ministry will be present in Mactzul 1, Mactzul II, Mactzul III (also adding this year), Mactzul V and Mactzul VI each month. So this will allow us to be in the area of the Mactzuls once a week. Granted this is a large area and to walk from one community to another is still 1 - 2 hours depending on where you are headed. We can also add Paxot 2 into this mix as they are also accesible from these communities. Mactzul 1 was also one of the first churches of christ in the area and have been worshipping together for 29 years. The church has around 65 adult members and around 75 children plus babies, so they are a nice size group. The church is very united and supportive of the ministries that they take part of so we are very excited to work with them. Mactzul III is a newer church, probably less than 6 years and has around 20-30 members plus some children. This church meets in one of the homes of the members and they too are very active.

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