Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Paxot Women's Seminar and Julisa

On August 24th we had our second annual womens seminar in Paxot II. The seminar was taught once again by Linda Henry and translated into kiche by one of Health Talents employees, Rosario Poncio. As with last year the seminar was a great success and we continue to see increasing interest by the women in wanting to learn more. The topic of this seminar was teaching children and included some hands on pratice with activities as well. As you can see we had a very large turn out this year - over 60 women representing 15 congregations in the area! About 15 women were from the host town of Paxot II.

Here are some more pictures of the seminar.

Women preparing tamales to have with the stewed meat - very good! You can see some of the men in the background as they were serving the women this day.

Lunch in the new kicthen / cafeteria that was built by the church of Paxot II. Amazingly enough, the way construction is done here , probably 70% of the building was done by 2 people.

Review of the different visual aids in teaching children.

This is a picture of Julisa, the curly haired girl, in December of 2006. About 4 or 5 months ago she presented to the clinic very ill and very pale. Lisa referred her for some blood tests and she was diagnosed with Lukemia. She began treatment right away and has continued her treatment to date. So far the treatments are producing positive results, but please keep praying for Julisa as she has 3 years of treatment to go. The number and frequency of treatments will go down but they will still be traveling to Guatemalay City every once in awhile for treatments.

This is Julisa today. She had lost weight, but thanks to God she has gained it back and now weighs 37 pounds. She is beginning to loose her hair but she has regained some of her color back. Again, please be praying for Julisa and her family. Her family is strong and are very active in the church in Pacaja Xesic. The above picture includes her sister Miriam and the bottom picture includes her mother and father. She has other siblings as well.

We had to end the blog with a picture of 2 of favorite little boys from Paxot II. This is Lucho and Edgar and they are the sons of one of our health promoters, Manuel Sut.

God bless and have a great day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Guys! I just wanted you to know that you have faithful readers here in Brazil. I'm so glad that you get to stay close to Chichi, and I'm jealous that you live in a country with a Chili's! Although we do have Burger King and Outback within walking distance... We hope you guys are doing well and we enjoy reading about your adventures.