Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladies' Day

1Th 5:11 Therefore, encourage one another, and build up one another, as you indeed do.

We had a great day today worshiping with the church in Xepocol. We jumped in the truck with Connie and Rugel Sowell and headed to the hills for a special service honoring the women of the congregation. We were celebrating the one year mark of the ladies' bible study group. While this seems a little over the top to us raised in the States, it is special, because in the rural areas where we work there are few churches with women's ministries/classes. After bringing Linda Henry in to teach at the first women's seminar here last year, many churches began forming organized women's groups. So thank you, Linda!

We were excited to see how the elders put forth the effort to recognize the women leaders and honor their work. They even brought out a special preacher today who gave an uplifting and encouraging message to everyone to keep up the good work and continue setting new goals for evangelizing the area.

Presentation of gifts to the women's ministry by the elders.

After worship, we all sat around and had soup, tamalitos and hot coffee--which was really good as it was cold and rainy today.

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