Saturday, September 21, 2024

August and September Happenings

Medical Evangelism Contacts

Jose visiting with families through clinic contact.

Our weeks are busy and it's easy to get caught up in the day to day of healthcare delivery or feel defeated when there are difficult or untreatable cases, but the Holy Spirit reminds us regularly to look for opportunities to share the good news of salvation with those who are hurting or desperate. 

We got news from our evangelist that his wife and a friend were walking by the church building on a day we had  Mobile Clinic, and a patient left the building crying after her consult. They asked the patient if she would like to talk and found out that she was given a difficult diagnosis. After talking some more, the woman confessed that she had been living a sinful life and was living the consequences of that. The ladies  offered to come visit her at home and talk some more and were invited to come talk to her and her family the next day. They shared the gospel message of  God's love for us and Christ dying to pay for our sins and that God loved her too. The woman and her husband-to-be decided they wanted to follow Christ and will be baptized soon.

Another regular patient of ours from Clinica Caris who confided to me that she had been having disturbing nightmares about demons, agreed to talk to our evangelist. She told me this week that she was so thankful for the counseling she has been getting and the spiritual teaching that is helping her to seek God and read his word and pray daily. Her demonic dreams have stopped and she is looking forward to continuing to learn more about her relationship with God and is encouraging her daughters to join her. Please pray as we evangelize these patients and help bring them to saving faith in Christ. 

One of our Nutrition Program mothers is a teen mom in a volatile relationship. She asked our evangelists to come and talk to her family and help her marriage. She and her husband decided to follow Christ and were baptized along with another family member this past weekend. Be praying for their family to grow in the Spirit and raise their child to know God as well. 

New sister and brothers in Christ


Medical/Dental and Surgical Teams
August and September are busy months around here with visiting medical/surgical and dental teams. We enjoyed a team in Chichicastenango helping us with our community clinics and ABC checkups and dermatology consults. They were hard workers and spent time healing and giving patient education. 

Jodi getting all the kids weighed and measured.

Dr. Ron sharpening his pediatric skills! He's a real trooper of an internist!

Dr. Donna checking up on our ABC kids' growth and development.
Me blinded by the light haha! Mobile clinic conditions can be challenging sometimes.

Kemmel translating for hygienist Mallory and fielding messages from the other team. Bode waiting for dental instruments to sterilize.

At Ezell we have had two surgical teams covering general surgery, plastic surgery, urology and gynecology, PT and OT. We are grateful for the successful procedures and good outcomes. And always appreciative of the teaching they give us in caring for our patients.

Katie doing Early Childhood Development classes with some of our Nutrition Program families.

Nurses' station is always hopping at Ezell!

Drs. Dwayne and Dwyane knocking out the plastic surgery.

Thank You, Lord For Water!

Water well drilling
Our water spring  for Hospital Ezell has slowly been decreasing in production to the point of needing to find another source to ensure enough supply for our surgery week load of patients and volunteer teams.
We started drilling a well several months ago and after lots of rock and machinery setbacks, we struck a great flow of water and at a sooner depth than expected--which saved us a good amount of money. We are grateful for this blessing for our staff and patients and visitors! 
More than enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless each of you as you further His kingdom!! Love and blessings to all. Maxine Stutler