Monday, June 10, 2024

June Surgery Week

We have two surgery weeks this month, so we will be hopping! Last week was general surgery, gyn and ENT specialities. It's fun to get to know people who are here for the first time and those who have come for several years in a row. This week we enjoyed having Kemmel's sister Becky join us as a translator. She is hit with all of the patients with her games and reading time with the kids.
Hospital Ezell comes alive during our surgery weeks, with round the clock nursing care and 10-12 surgeries a day. Thankfully we didn't need to transfuse blood to any patients. It was a tranquilo week and lots of satisfied patients. So thankful for all of our volunteers!
Story time with Miss Becky

Full house. 51 surgeries for the week. 

Sweet smiles after succesful surgery.

International health care team--U.S. Guatemala and Cuba represented!

Our nurses make all the difference!

Hard working surgeons helping our patients feel better.

Dr. Tilton letting our anesthesia resident Dra. Alvarez get some experience this week.

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