Monday, November 13, 2017

Where to Start

When you drift away from blogging for a while it is hard to know where to start back up.  So nothing like current events.

ABC Checkups with our Visting Medical/Dental Team
This week was spent with a really great small group of people who helped us knock out some of the last well child check ups for the ABC program kids.  We are steadily increasing the number of families served so it is helpful to have the extra hands to help with the clinical side.
Diana and Dr. Allen White and Dr. David Weed

David photo-bombing my nice shot of Gary Tabor, Austin Harper and Dr. Robin and Chance Pruitt.

Debra Blesener, Sheri and I 

Cheers! Enjoying tea and coffee at the end of the day.

Gary Tabor and Kemmel solving clinic maintenance issues over coffee.

Baptism in Mactzul IV
After an intimate communion time and  saying goodbye to our team yesterday morning we headed out to the community of Mactzul IV, about and hour outside of Chichicastenango.  We were invited by this new congregation to witness the baptism of one of our patients that they had visited and cared for and evangelized.  This church amazes us with their willingness to get involved in peoples' lives and care for their needs while at the same time sharing the good news of salvation and transformation by the Holy Spirit.  This particular patient was left paralyzed after a fall from an avocado tree about 11 months ago.  His road to recovery has been a struggle as you can imagine in a rural mountainous area like his.  But he is optimistic and gave some words of appreciation and encouragement to the church after his baptism and we were honored to witness his new birth.
Diego and Gregorio leading the devotional service before the baptism.

Andres and Martin getting into position.


Brother Martin heading back up the very steep climb to the road.

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