Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Saints Day

Here in Guatemala, November 1 is All Saints Day which involves lots of activities involving the nourishing and honoring of ancestors. Mayan religion families prepare special foods like corn on the cob, guisqil (a savory pear/squash-like veggie), and squashes, and sweet corn tortillas, all laid out in a central place in the home with pine needles around it and in a little trail leading from the front gate to the house. Then, the next day, everyone heads to the cemetary to paint grave sites and leave more food/liquor/goodies for the ancestors. Some see this as a harmless tradition, but underlying it are strong beliefs that one must please his ancestors to have peace in their lives, or success in their endeavors. Granted many people just go out to enjoy the day and remember relatives, but in our neck of the woods there are idolatrous ties and many families needlessly spending hard-earned money to appease powerless souls.

But, we got to enjoy a tradition that has been carried out in the Churches of Christ for the last 16 years. Every November 1 the youth of the churches (age 10-30's)and their families get together for a two day worship service and workshops in Quetzaltenango (Xela). We got to see christians from all over the country, enjoying family time and worshiping. It was a late night......and COLD, everyone sleeping on the floor in school rooms... but definitely worth it to share the fellowship of All of these Saints!

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