Thursday, June 12, 2008

Please pray for Lisa

We try not to post blogs that have a negative tone and we have always tried to keep a positive attitude towards this year of service Lisa is enduring. However, today was a bad day for Lisa. We would like to request prayers on her behalf to lift her up and provide her with a peace that only God can provide.

Lisa is struggling through these last 2 months of service. In May she was in a surgery rotation and had to work every day of the month, plus was on call every 3rd night (which means at the hospital for 36-40 hours with no sleep). This month was supposed to get better and she was going to have Sunday's off. Last Sunday we did have off and made the trip to Mexico to renew our visas so that was not very restful (although nice to just leave the city) and we still did not get to go to a worship service as when we returned on Sunday she had to go to the hospital to review her patients prior to Monday. Today she found out that they have some class session tonight for 2-3 hours and then also 2 4 hour class sessions on Saturday and Sunday. She was hoping to use the time tonight to prepare for a class she must present tomorrow on Coronary Syndromes. She tries to stay positive but she is at wits end with how crazy and disorganized and inconsiderate of a person’s time this service is. The time is much worse than anything she experienced in her process in the US. She is going on almost 2 months with not being able to attend a worship service which also takes its toll spiritually.

What pressures her the most if she does not pass these last 6 months, then all she has done is for not. This means not missing any days that she is requested to be present, passing all of the tests, being prepared for each rounds with the residents and attendings, being a good care giver, preparing all the classes she must teach, and as we like to say - staying under the radar.

This leaves me very sad as well as there is nothing I can do to assist her besides just try to provide some moral support and ensure that everything outside the hospital is smooth. We consider ourselves pretty tough people, flexible, by the grace of God, able to withstand many things, but this situation is really starting to affect us and mostly Lisa as I just have the ripple effect of feeling discouraged for her.

Thank you for all of your prayers, we need it. And we apologize for bearing our discouragement.

1 comment:

Agape In Action said...

You are both definitely in our prayers. Isaac and I prayed for Lisa just now as we opened your blog, and can continue to do so until life gets better for her in less than two months now! We miss you guys...