Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today after Lisa got off her shift we went to a scheduled doctor's appointment for a checkup on her thyroid. The physician here is extremely nice and does not charge for his consult which of course is a great blessing for us. She also had to get some lab tests and a chest xray. Afterwards, we were walking out of the building thinking, man, we spent alot on those lab tests and chest xrays today - around Q1000. So then we started thinking, man that was cheap! We got out with a specialist Dr. visit, 5 lab tests and a chest xray for less than $140. Helps us realize how much we acclimate to the environment we live in!

On a patient note, Sheri had a little girl the other day in Choacaman whom we suspect to have some kind of blood disorder. She was admitted to the hospital on Friday and we still do not know much about what is wrong with her. Her name is Marta and her granddad's name is Diego. Please pray for Marta and her family so that they can get some more information and we can determine if there is a plan for treatment. Pray for healing and pray for patience and peace with the results of the diagnosis.

For anyone wondering what you can do to help us in this ministry, we can always uses many prayers. Prayers that we will continue to keep our faith strong, that we will have high spiritual and physical energy and that God will continue to mold us and guide us. Of course, it is a 2 way street and we must seek guidance through prayer and study as well.

We can also use your help with donations of some of the items listed on the bottom right of this blog. We use a bunch of ibuprofen 200mg, acetaminophen 500mg and ranitidine all of which are pretty inexpensive at locations such as Sam's club, Walmart, etc. So if you ever get a chance send us some bottles. They can be sent to Rick Harper, email us for his address.

Also please check the http://www.healthtalents.org/ website for additional needs we have.

God bless and please keep checking back!

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

Hi ya'll!
Just wanted you both to know we read your blog about once a month or more frequently if possible. It's amazing to read about you and your life there. We fondly think of you often and pray for you. Your blog is great and we are glad you have it. Have a good weekend!
Rodney and Shelly
P.S. Don't you have a Wal-Mart there? You can get Ranitidine for only $4!