States-Side Visit
We spent some good time reconnecting with friends at Eastside Church of Christ in Colorado Springs and Meadowbrook Church of Christ in Jackson, MS. The constant faithful support of these two churches has been a comfort and blessing to us and the people we serve here! Thank you for your love of the work here.
Mobile Medical-Dental Teams
Before we left for the States we had our regular September crew helping us out on our pediatric checkups. This team is always encouraging and generous with their time and resources! Thanks guys!
Thankful for a great ministry team along with volunteers
When we returned from the States, we had one last medical and dental team help us finish up our well child checks on the ABC sponsorship kids. This team had both new visitors to Health Talents and Dr. Jim Haller who spent his 50th trip here to Guatemala with us. He is 84 years old and still delights in helping others and serving God with his gifts. Thanks to this small but mighty team of workers!
This year we have been bombarded with graduation invites. When we first arrived in Guatemala in 2005, we hardly knew anyone in this area with a high school diploma. Secondary schooling was, and still is expensive, and for most agricultural families not a priority. But with job opportunities scarce and families' land resources diminishing each generation, people are beginning to see education not as a luxury but a necessity. We are proud of all of these families and students who have sacrificed to achieve this goal. Some are scholarship recipients from Health Talents and some are ABC program kids and others members of the local churches. It's great to see how people are starting to take advantage of the educational options here in the area! Thanks to all of you who pray for and send money to help promote education here through the ABC and Scholarship funds!
Israel - Degree in Tourism - ABC Student
Gerber - degree in industrial drawing - ABC student
Tomas in Business Administration - ABC student
Mario in Business administration - scholarship student
Jocelyn in Business Administration - neighbor of Clinica Caris
Elvis in Business Administration - neighbor of Clinica Caris
Israel son of HTI health promotor Tomas and his family including grandparents
Brenda - scholarship - kindergarten teacher
Manuel - scholarship professional nursing
Manuel's family
Plus up to 15 more all in one year!