Thursday, May 22, 2008

MET - Medical Evangelism Training

This week marks the beginning of the MET program for 2008. The students arrived on Saturday and are currently in Quetzaltenango in language school for 1 week. Of course you cannot learn a language is a week but you can learn some basics that will make you life easier.

MET is a program directed at college students who are interested in a field in medicine or dentistry and who are also interested in mission work. This program has been designed to give the students a small experience of 6 weeks to work with Health Talents International in the various ministries of medical evangelism. During this 6 week period, the students live with local families so that they can be immersed in language and culture. Then they work daily with the 6 different physicians and dentists that work with HTI in the areas of Montellano and Chichicastenango / Quiche. For Chichicastenango / Quiche this means living with families in the country which is a ricj experience that cannot be replaced. Lisa and I have stayed with families and always look forward to the next time we are honored to do so. The students will have an oppurtunity to learn basic medical skills including vital signs and will also learn how to use a book called "Where there is no Doctor" to help them interview patients. They will participate with the physicians in the physical and spiritual healing that we provide to our patients through medical care and the offering of prayers and/or counseling to our patients. Above all they will have the oppurtunity to experience serving people and showing them the love and compassion of Christ as they work and live with people here.

This program has existed now almost 20 years. I was part of the program in 1989 in Honduras and returned again in 1990 to help as a coordinator here in Guatemala in the area of Quetzaltenango. Lisa was also in the 1990 class and this is where we met - on MET. The experience we both had was incredible and has always been an important part of our life and one of the defining moments for us to decide to enter into medical missions full time. We are very honored and humbled that God has lead us here and continue to hope that we can serve in way that honors Him.

MET has also touched the lives of many other medical missionaries who have served in Africa and other places and we hope to see the number of medical missionaries increase in the years to come. Of our class in 1989 2 of us have become full-time medical missionaries (well one physician and one administration type), one serves on the board of HTI and serves in short term missions and another had returned to his home country of Honduras to serve the under-priviledged, but unfortnately was killed a number of years back.

Please pray for the students during this month that God will continue to provide them direction in their lives.

The new airport look and below some picture of them packing up ready to head to Xela for language school.

By the way ...... The electrical problems at the house have been fixed. Now just the water.

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