Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Morning

Good Sunday Morning. We are enjoying a relaxing beautiful morning and getting ready to go to worship. I (Lisa) had my last call on pediatrics on Friday and enjoyed a good long 5 hour nap yesterday morning. Kemmel took the opportunity to enjoy a round of golf (yes he has found a place that he can play so will enjoy for the next few months). I have been working in the Labor and Delivery on my call nights this month--receiving and stablizing babies. Friday we had 31 deliveries between 3:30 pm and 8:00am Saturday. It was a fast and furious night, but gracias a Dios every one did fine. At one time, we had 2-3 mother-baby pairs in each delivery room. So I would run back and forth, making sure each baby was crying and pink and run off to the next one. Then start back at the first one trying to get measurments and exam written up. Just when the 7th one had been born, the OBs told me they were taking in a 32 week for c-section. So I called my supervising resident for backup. That gave me a little break to get my other babies processed. Just when I finished that, I was walking by the labor rooms and overheard that the lady with preterm labor at 26 weeks gestation was complete (dilated and ready to deliver), despite the attempt to stop the contractions. So I called my resident to be ready to intubate and she said she would be there quickly but was intubating a patient on one of the floors. :( When the baby was born, it was tiny (2 lbs 9 oz), but breathing and very active. I held off on intubating and the resident got there and we decided it was older than predicted (34 weeks by exam), so he got to be admitted to the hospital to grow and develop a little before heading home. At 4:00 in the AM we had a little break in the craziness, so I sat down and had a delicious slice of cold pizza-it was pretty good!

It is hard to believe that 2 months have gone by. I am learning a lot about the way things are done here and getting good clinical experience as well. Although I feel pretty old (everyone is about 23-25 years old) I think I am holding up. Next week I start a month of OB. Should be a good month and the residents are nice there.

Today we will go to worship and enjoy the day together. We thank God for his faithfulness and pray that he bless each of you on this Lord's Day.

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