Wednesday, January 30, 2008

C = MD

In the States, the big saying in medical school is C = MD, which translates, even if you graduate with a C you are still a doctor. Well, I found out yesterday that I am going to pass my first semester of rural medicine! I have never been so happy to see a C in my life! Actually, we have the final today, but it is only worth 20% of the final grade, and I have enough points with out it to make a 64! and 61 is passing. So thank you so much for your constant prayers on our behalf and I thank God for his mercy and faithfulness these last few months.

Tomorrow I head up to the hospital to the pediatric ward to find out who my patients will be. Shoud be interesting, and hopefully I can meet the resident I will report to on Friday.

Today, we also get to go sign our contract on the apartment and get moved in. It will feel good to get settled. Be praying for our friend Tom Hoak ( an american surgeon here) and his family as they are trying to get moved here too for his year of service at the other big hospital in town.

Our teams are doing well, and yesterday, Josefina and Sheri kicked off their first health promoter training class. 19 promotors showed up from our various clinic sites. See Sheri's website for details. .

Well, better head out. Have a great day, and God bless you in your service to Him.

1 comment:

Sheri said... prayers continue for you guys and I am soooooooo proud of you!!! Sheri